Retired ship engineer Ian rekindles his love of the sea during a virtual reality tour with Oroi
Jorge Maylin - - 1 min
A retired merchant navy engineer with a lifelong passion for sailing has been able to rekindle his love of the sea during a trial of cutting-edge virtual reality equipment. Ian Allnutt, 87, is a resident of Park View Nursing Home, in Liverpool, and they are using the equipment from VR Reality Company Oroi. Rebecca Topping, hospitality host at the Kingsley Healthcare home, said: “As soon as Ian put on the VR goggles to be transported out to sea on a boat he was full of smiles. The whole experience brought back many happy memories for him.”

Retired ship engineer Ian rekindles his love of the sea during a virtual reality tour with Oroi
Oroi has developed a virtual reality platform with entertainment and cognitive stimulation experiences aimed at improving the emotional wellbeing and cognitive functions of older people.
Mr Allnutt’s eldest daughter Catherine Allnutt said: “The sea was such an important part of my father’s life and he really enjoyed his VR experience.”
His experience of the oceans began at the age of 16 when he joined the famous former shipping company Blue Funnel Line as an apprentice and left his family behind in Adelaide, Australia, for a life of world adventure.
He later settled in New Brighton, Merseyside, having met his late wife Alison at the resort’s Tower Ballroom.
Park View manager Lyndsey Gladden said: “Oroi has lots of scenic tours available and we are going to be able to take Ian to some of the amazing places around the world he visited in the merchant navy.
“In the summer we would love to get Ian back out on the water with a trip on the Mersey.”

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